Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine  Jamin Nichols, Acupuncture Physician Jamin began his studies in acupuncture and Oriental medicine in 1996 in Gainesville, FL, graduating from Florida School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 1998. Following he took his boards and received his national certification and Florida acupuncture license. Going on to receive his master's degree in 2004 from Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine (DRCOM) Jamin has also been a faculty member and clinic supervisor with the college since 2002. Since 1998, he has trained extensively with Dr. Leon Hammer, internationally known author ("Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies: Psychology and Chinese Medicine" and "Chinese Pulse Diagnosis: A Contemporary Approach") and president of DRCOM, in the arts of Contemporary Oriental Medicine and Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis. In 2003, Jamin also began training in Toyohari, a gentle Japanese style of acupuncture that often involves non-insertion techniques (great for those apprehensive about needles). He has attended national and international trainings with some of the top teachers from Japan. Through acupuncture, Chinese herbs, lifestyle and dietary counseling, he has been able to provide help with many health problems of both physical and mental-emotional nature. Jamin Nichols Acupuncture: Ancient Medicine for Modern Health Contemporary Oriental Medicine * Gentle Japanese Acupuncture * Chinese Herbology * Prevention & Maintenance * Physical & Emotional Well-being
New patient: 2 hours (includes work-up, pulse daiagnosis & treatment): $180.00
Follow-up appointments: 1 hour $90.00
Appointments: Call 321-729-9495 or sign up here (scroll down)
Jamin Nichols, AP, MAOM, Lic#AP1357
Teren Nichols Massage Therapy  Teren was raised in a holistic vegetarian family. He began learning meditation and spiritual energy healing at age two. Throughout his years he used and integrated these techniques into his daily practices of massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. To this day he has been teaching yoga and meditation classes for the community. He graduated from The Florida School of Massage in 1999. In addition Teren has had advanced training in the following healing modalities: - intuitive bodywork - reflexology - CranioSacral Therapy - polarity - pranic healing - Reiki - meditation - hatha yoga Massage License #MA33885 Establishment License #MM45165
1 hour Massage (gentle, healing): $70.00
90 minute Massage (gentle, healing): $100.00
Reiki & Energy Healing (1 hour): $70.00
Thai Foot Reflexology (1 hour): $70.00
Appointments: Call 321-729-9495 or sign up here (scroll down)
The Orion Method: Hypnotherapy for Transformation Private Sessions with Sedona Hypnotherapist, Bruce Orion The Orion Method is a quantum leap forward in achieving emotional and physical health. It was developed by Bruce Orion and is the end result of over 40 years in his study of alternative healing, quantum physics, metaphysics, and hypnosis. The method produces quick and permanent release of deep seated emotional issues and the reversal of many physical disease. In the vast majority of cases, a single 90 minute session can clear several issues at a time. It works on all levels, not just the physical, but the emotional, mental and spiritual levels as well. Bruce's background includes: spiritual counseling, astrology (since 1971), hypnotherapy, eastern mysticism, and he apprenticed with well-known spiritual healer, Karmu. Bruce has appeared on The Discovery Channel, was interviewed on “Meetings with Remarkable People”, and was a frequent speaker at the United Nations. For more information, visit
90 minute session: $100.00 (special rate for Aquarian Dreams) Appointments: Call 321-729-9495 or sign up here (scroll down)
Bach Flower Remedies: Consultation & Treatment with Maria Banas The Bach remedies are a safe and natural method of healing developed by Dr. Edward Bach, an English homeopath and medical doctor, in the 1930s.
They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself. The Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family. Maria Banas is a Certified Practitioner of Flower Essences since 2003. Consult & treatment (90 min): $130.00 Follow-up (1 hour): $90
Appointments: Call 321-729-9495 or sign up here (scroll down) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vegan Lifestyle: Plant-Based Nutrition
appointments with Maria Ulbricht If you're ready to embark on a plant-based diet, but not sure where to begin, OR if you're already plant-based but need some fine-tuning, schedule an appointment with plant-based nutrition consultant Maria Ulbricht. Maria has guided countless clients on their plant-based journey, helping them to heal anything from MS and diabetes to hormonal imbalances and weight issues. Her story began many years ago when her daughter was diagnosed with PCOS and completely healed through adopting a plant-based diet! After her daughter's miraculous recovery, Maria devoted her career to wellness and plant-based nutrition. Your one-hour consultation includes a complete health history, full set of notes, supplement recommendations and muscle testing (if needed), meal plans, recipes, and email/text support throughout your journey. You'll also be invited to join a plant-based social media group where you can ask any question or share an experience with fellow supporters. 1 hour session: $100.00 Appointments: Call 321-729-9495 or sign up here (scroll down)